NY-13: It’s Official, Can’t Get Any Weirder

Ok, just read a Daily News report about Frank Powers’s funeral, which occured today.


Apparently, his son and erswhile political opponent Frank Powers Jr. was arrested for punching a cop during the funeral after accosting his step-mother.

The confusing thing about the article is that it states that Frank Powers Jr. was the one who was taken away in an ambulance screaming “I’m not crazy!” … but the picture indicates “Robert John Powers” being taken into custody, and shows a man with, uh, far less hair than his older brother.

So clearly the Daily News has got something mixed up – but clearly something funky’s going on in Staten Island.

Only way this could get stranger is if the Republicans actually nominated Curtis Silwa (potential candidate, right-wing talk radio host, and founder of Guardian Angels) and he began staging vigilante interventions on the Staten Island Ferry to get himself some press…

6 thoughts on “NY-13: It’s Official, Can’t Get Any Weirder”

  1. I think I’ll let the Powers family grieve in peace, but it’s worth noting that this updated version of the article indicates that it was not Frank Powers, Jr. of Box of Crayons fame who disrupted the funeral, but rather Robert Powers who was arrested.

  2. All familiess are disfunctional one way or another.  If one were a member of congress’ family weird happenings, that would be diary worthy and something to discuss.  Since it is of a recently deceased congressional candidate, this isn’t really something I think is worth the level of discussion you’d get out of a diary rather than a comment.  

  3. Looks like Frank’s first divorce caused a lot of strike and it has carried over past his death.  On a human level quite sad.  Hopefully everyone can reconcile themselves.  Advance story mentioning the correct son.


    Some information about what happened with Mirones and why the Republicans can’t get anyone to run.


    Right now the only Republicans with actual signatures to “run” are Staten Island GOP Finance Chair Jamshad Wyne and Frank Powers.  And trying to use Frank’s signatures to put someone else on the ballot is risky because they hadn’t gotten enough of them yet.


    Two top Republicans have told the Advance that party members had gathered close to 2,000 signatures for Powers before his sudden death. That’s more than the 1,250 signatures needed to get Powers on the ballot, but not enough, according to some, to ensure that the signatures will withstand challenges from Democrats or others.

    Parties generally like to have at least twice the number of required petition signatures in the bank, and Powers’ death precludes the party from gathering any more signatures on his behalf.


    But roadblocks remain even if the party decides to gather new signatures, not the least of which is the possibility that the new signatures will be challenged as well.

    In addition, signatures gathered for Powers cannot be transferred to another candidate, meaning that the petition drive for a new candidate would have to begin at zero signatures. And the clock is ticking: The last day to file is July 10.

    Republicans who gathered signatures for Powers also could be barred from collecting for another congressional candidate because the law states that party members can’t gather signatures for more than one candidate in the same race. However, stricture could be challenged in court as well.

    Unless they want to risk going to court to get their preferred candidate on the ballot they better find that candidate now and get cracking.

    In second thought they need to continue doing EXACTLY what they are doing now. 😉

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